Service Charge
Reconnection Charge: The Company will charge $20.00 for reconnecting service that has been disconnected for non-payment.
Reconnection Value Added Tax (VAT) Fee: The Company will charge $3.00 for the value added tax on reconnected service that has been disconnected for non-payment.
Meter Test: The Company will charge $2.50 for customer requested meter test.
Shift Service Line Charge: The Company will charge $20.00 for the customer request to relocate the service line for conditions not related to a safety hazard.
Security Deposit
New Service: The Company will require a deposit for the new service.
Existing Service: The Company will require existing customer to pay: (A) a deposit on account(s) which current do not have a deposit or (B) an increase in deposit for a bill which was disconnected for non-payment; or (C) an increase in deposit to cover the liability after review of 12 consecutive months’ bills.
Deposit Calculation Amount: The amount of the deposit shall not exceed an estimated energy usage for two months' gross bill or existing two months' bill, as determined by the Company.
Interest on Deposits and Refunds: On such customer deposits, the Company will pay interest. The annual rate of interest is set at 2%.
Deposit Review: The Company shall, not later than the third anniversary of the receipt of the deposit and at least every three years thereafter, review the billing history of every Customer from whom it holds a deposit to assure that the deposit conforms to the standard requirements.
If a deposit review shows that the deposit held is at least 25 percent: (A) less than the amount that may be required, the Company shall, if the deposit is less, require the payment of a corresponding additional deposit from the Customer, or (B) more than the amount that may be required, the Company may, if the deposit is more, refund the excess deposit to the Customer.
Deposit Return: The Company shall return a deposit or portion thereof plus the applicable interest that is subject to return pursuant to the preceding paragraph: .
shall be credited to the account it secured in the amount of any outstanding charges;
may be credited to the account it secured in the amount of the next projected cycle bill, if applicable; and
may be credited to any other account of the Customer not secured by a deposit, in the amount of the arrears on the account.
A refund check shall be issued to the Customer for any remaining balance.
Notice: Whenever a deposit is required, the Company will provide the customer an explanation why a deposit is required and under what conditions.