Occupational Health and Safety Policy Statement
Occupational Health and Safety Policy Statement
Our mission is to deliver an electricity supply service of the best quality and value to all customers; to satisfy the interest of shareholders and employees; to support sustainable development and contribute towards a high quality of life for our people. In pursuing our mission, we acknowledge our responsibility for the health and safety of our employees and recognize that a healthy and safe working environment is the fundamental right of every employee and that poor working conditions have the potential to affect employees’ health and safety. Equally important is our commitment to achieving a high level of environmental protection and to preventing, mitigating and minimizing environmental impact and pollution, as expressed in our Environmental Policy.
We are committed to providing a healthy and safe working environment in which the well being of our employees is of paramount importance and which will positively influence employee morale and productivity and will:

All staff are expected to exercise constant vigilance to ensure that safety awareness is maintained. It is the duty of each worker to comply with the guidelines formulated to protect their health and safety, to report any problems encountered and to make suggestions for improvement of health and safety in their work environment. VINLEC assures each staff member of his right to refrain from doing work under conditions he considers to be unsafe or unhealthy.